Philosophical Questions for Curious Minds
Imagine a fortune teller says to you that they know everything that will happen in your life, even when you are going to die, and they have written it all down on a piece of paper inside an envelope. Would you want to see it?
Children are born philosophers – but in order to fully bring out the best of their thinking, it helps to equip them with the largest and most thought-expanding questions. This is a pack of the very sharpest, based on the biggest conundrums of philosophy, and is guaranteed to generate lively, warm and fascinating conversations among families and friends. No prior knowledge is required; all that counts is a spirit of curiosity.
With these questions to hand, conversation will forever be profound and entertaining, and minds young and old will have a crash course in the joys and adventures of philosophy.
52 Cards.
Instruction card included.
Ideal for Ages 8+.